Redesign and development of Georg's web site to increase the sale of services and project visibility
For more information please contact:
Dalibor Georgievski: dalibor.georgievski@georg.hr
Structural funds
Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion
WWW Vouchers
The main activity of the company is business and management consulting, primarily consulting in preparation and implementation of projects funded by the EU, capacity development and education. A new web site, www.eafrd.hr, will be used to publish information on tenders and calls for grants in real time, thus enabling clients to access services in a fast and simple way.
From 04.02.2019. to 04.02.2020.
The objective of the project is to redesign and start own web site to strengthen market position and increase competitiveness of the company.
Total value of the project amounts to HRK 39,000.00.
Total value of the project (eligible costs) amounts to HRK 39,000.00.
The EU share in the project funding amounts to 70%, i.e. HRK 27,300.00.